LC Press is the publishing platform of Liverpool College founded during the lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

We are a team of teachers and pupils working together to publish reflection, insights and ideas about education from people from all sorts of backgrounds and walks of life which will stimulate the imaginations of those who want schools to be a place of joy, discovery, and the development of human potential. 

We are particularly interested in the role of the imagination in education: how to stimulate it, the impact that education has on developing it, the ways in which education itself is an activity of the imagination.

Though we are based in, we are not limited to, Liverpool. We bring together diasporic voices from wherever they may be.

LC Press is motivated by the desire to pluralise and democratise the voices heard in education. This is not a repudiation of theory, rather an assertion of the value to be found in engaging directly with those most intimately concerned with the educational process. Teachers and students should be heard; we provide the means for them to be heard.

We very much want to hear from you and invite you to contact us or submit your own contribution.