It is difficult to remember any one particular Winchester College chapel service. They were repetitive experiences of finding oneself pressed uncomfortably inwards by a boy on either side and a
LC Press Publishes: The Experience of Christianity
Hans van Mourik Broekman, who teaches RS at LC and former head of expressive arts Brian Donnelly have combined to author a book of paintings and reflections, introducing young people
A greener look at the past? Teaching environmental history at Key Stage 4 and 5
Environmental history, which deals primarily with changes in environments and the ways historical societies have interacted with them, is not a new field. Clarence Glacken’s Traces on the Rhodian Shore,
Intent 2022
Liverpool College publishes Intent 2022 How should a school respond to the experience of the pandemic? What have we learned? What should happen now? What do we want to
Heart’s ease and school free: lessons from David Jones
Extending fields spread flatly, far to either side, uninterrupted to the sight, not any longer barriered nor revetted in. It was a great goodness in their eyes, this expanse,
Lockdown Learning from a Family’s Perspective
We value the structure that Liverpool College’s home school is providing. Last lockdown, our child from year 7 Howson’s, was still in primary and school started vaguely during the
Look Up!
…or, some views of some unexpected buildings and places. We all take the world that’s immediately around us for granted. The roads we travel on our way to work
A Classics Christmas Cryptic Crossword
We hope you enjoy this Christmas crossword courtesy of one of our classics teachers, Mr McAllister. From all of us at LC Press we wish you a very merry Christmas
Comic or Not
Comic, or Not? You decide: A Look at an Old Way of Learning. ‘Trafalgar Day’, 21st October 1805; the greatest naval victory in
Full Life: Letters to My Students
LC Press Publishes new book: Full Life: Letters to My Students The book, Full Life: Letters to My Students, consists of letters written by Headteacher and RS teacher Hans
Teach First: A good route into teaching?
“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”- Douglas Adams Joining Teach First I grew up
Reflecting on 5 years of constant change and intercultural exchange…
The only constant of life is the inevitability of massive change Graduating in the middle of a pandemic after 5 years doing – and I use that word deliberately –
Dancing with Dead Bears Education from Behind the Circus Curtain
Thinking has been discarded for routine, and the romanticism of trees growing from the mind have been chopped down as fuel. Even language has become idle – by sitting
School without Parties
It is perhaps a little early to begin to form a judgment or even an observation on what might best be described as the COVID way of doing school. Each