Liverpool College publishes Intent 2022
How should a school respond to the experience of the pandemic? What have we learned? What should happen now? What do we want to happen next? Can we imagine or reimagine school, the school experience, and the future in a new way?
Liverpool College is launching a process to discuss these questions, and would love you to be involved in developing answers so that the College can continue to chart a cutting-edge course in the current and future education landscape.
Liverpool College hopes to pose these questions to all its stakeholders through the publication of Intent 2022. The document sets out the background to the College’s development and some of the challenges facing young people. Pupils, students, staff, teachers, governors, foundation members, friends, colleagues, partners: all are asked to think along and participate in the process of establishing a direction for the College which builds on its 9 outstanding judgments in order to provide a truly transformative education to all its pupils.
Intent 2022 is a document only available in printed copy. If you would like a copy please send an email with your name and address to and we will post a copy to you.
Hans Broekman
Hans van Mourik Broekman is Principal of Liverpool College, an outstanding all through boarding and day school in Liverpool